
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We've added a powerful new feature!
You can now include a
lead value
when adding or updating contacts in your CRM via our
automation workflow
What's New?
  • Lead Value:
    Add the value of each lead directly to your CRM when updating or adding contacts.
Why this matters:
Gain instant visibility into potential value leads, enabling more targeted and effective follow-ups.
How it works:
  1. Go to your
    Automation Workflow
    in the
  2. Select
    Add/Update Contact in CRM
  3. Select Pipeline and Pipeline Stage.
  4. Simply input the
    Lead Value
By automating lead value input, your team can prioritize high-value leads more efficiently and make data-driven decisions faster.
Now you can easily track the potential value of each lead and prioritize them like a pro!
Explore this new feature now
We’re excited to announce a brand-new feature that will elevate your learning experience –
Bundle Courses
What is a Bundle Course?
bundle course
is a specially curated package of multiple courses grouped together at a discounted rate. It’s designed to provide students with a comprehensive learning experience on a specific subject or theme by offering related topics in one purchase. This approach is perfect for learners wanting to dive deep into their field without having to individually select courses.
For businesses, bundles not only provide added value but also increase sales, making the decision process simpler for customers. All essential materials are included in one deal, offering both convenience and savings.
Why Bundle Courses?
  • Save More, Learn More
    : Purchasing a bundle allows you to save money while accessing more courses, giving you better value for your investment.
  • Holistic Learning
    : Cover different aspects of a subject without the hassle of selecting individual courses.
  • Flexible Choices
    : Tailor your bundle by selecting the courses that matter most to you.
  • Streamlined Experience
    : Simplify the learning process with one easy purchase, giving you access to all the materials in a single transaction.
How it works :
  1. Status
  • Active
    : The bundle course is now live and available for enrollment! Jumpstart your learning today.
  • Inactive
    : This bundle course is currently unavailable. Stay tuned for updates on when it will be reactivated.
  1. Upload a thumbnail photo.
  2. Choose Your Courses
  • Customize your learning journey by choosing from courses.
We’re excited to announce a new feature in our
Learning Management System (LMS)
that will enhance your course organization! You can now create sections to structure your course content and videos effectively.
Why Create Sections?
Sections help you break down your course material into manageable parts, making it easier for learners to navigate and engage with the content.
How ​​it works:
  1. Create a New Section:
    Start organizing your content by adding new sections.
  • Status:
    Set the availability of your course (e.g., Active or Draft) to manage who can access it.
  • Description:
    Provide a detailed description of your course to give learners a clear understanding of what to expect.
  • Thumbnail:
    Upload a thumbnail image for your course. A visually appealing thumbnail can attract more learners!
  1. Upload Materials:
    Within each section, you can now include:
  • Videos:
    Upload your recorded lectures or instructional videos.
  • Images:
    Add relevant images to enhance understanding.
  • YouTube Videos:
    Embed engaging content from YouTube.
  • Text:
    Include written materials and descriptions.
  • PDFs:
    Upload documents for additional reading.
  • Slide Documents:
    Share your presentations for reference.
  • Audio:
    Add audio recordings for lectures or discussions.
  • Video Cipher:
    Utilize video ciphers for secure content delivery.
  1. Resources:
    Add supplementary resources such as articles in images to enhance the learning experience.
These features are designed to improve the overall learning experience and help learners find courses that suit their interests.
Invoice Overdue Trigger
in Sales-Finance allows you to automate crucial follow-up actions when an invoice becomes overdue. This feature helps businesses stay on top of unpaid invoices and ensures timely communication with customers, streamlining the collections process while maintaining customer relationships.
How It Works:
  1. Select the Product
    : Choose the product for which the overdue invoice automation will apply. This enables you to automate specific workflows for different products, ensuring customized handling of overdue payments.
  2. Define the Workflow
    : Once an invoice is marked as overdue, the automation trigger activates a series of actions aimed at resolving the issue promptly. Key workflow options include:
  • Send Payment Reminder Emails
    : Automatically send a polite reminder to the customer, notifying them of the overdue invoice and requesting payment.
  • Update Financial Records
    : Ensure the overdue status is immediately reflected in your accounting or CRM systems, keeping all records accurate and up-to-date.
  • Notify Internal Teams
    : Automatically notify relevant departments, such as finance or account management, about the overdue invoice to facilitate coordinated follow-up efforts.
Benefits of the Automation Workflow:
  • Efficient Payment Recovery
    : Automates reminders and follow-ups, ensuring that no overdue invoices slip through the cracks.
  • Timely Communication
    : Sends prompt, professional reminders to customers, improving the chances of receiving timely payments.
  • Improved Cash Flow
    : Helps businesses reduce payment delays and maintain healthy cash flow by automating critical steps in the collections process.
  • Consistency
    : Ensures that every overdue invoice is treated in a structured, standardized way, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Customer-Centric Approach
    : Provides options to offer flexible payment terms, ensuring a smooth customer experience even during overdue payment situations.
By selecting the product and automating the workflow for overdue invoices, you can streamline the collections process, improve cash flow, and maintain strong customer relationships.
Payment Failure Trigger
in Sales-Finance is a powerful tool for automating processes when a payment fails for a specific product subscription. This automation allows businesses to proactively handle failed payments, ensuring that issues are addressed quickly and efficiently to maintain smooth operations and positive customer experiences.
How it works:
  1. Select a Product
    : Start by selecting the specific product for which you want to apply payment failure automation. This ensures that the workflow is triggered only when the payment for the relevant product subscriptions fails.
  2. Define Workflow
    : When a payment fails, the system triggers an automated workflow. This can include several actions, such as:
  • Send payment failure notification
    : Automatically send an email or SMS to notify the customer of a payment failure, with instructions on how to update their payment method or retry the transaction.
  • Update CRM and Financial Systems
    : Automatically update customer records in your CRM and financial systems to reflect failed payments and keep records accurate.
  • Alert Internal Teams
    : Notify relevant teams (eg, finance or customer support) so they can follow up manually if necessary.
Advantages of Automation Workflow:
  • Immediate Customer Notifications
    : Customers are notified of payment issues immediately, reducing delays and improving their ability to resolve the issue.
  • Reduce churn
    : Proactive communication and retry efforts can help recover failed payments and prevent cancellations due to billing issues.
  • Data Consistency
    : Your CRM and financial systems are updated in real time, ensuring accurate records without manual intervention.
  • Operational Efficiency
    : Automated follow-ups and retries for payment failures save time and ensure consistency in handling these issues.
By choosing the right product and setting up automated actions, you can improve payment recovery, enhance the customer experience and reduce the impact of payment failures on your business.
Invoice Pending Trigger
in Sales-Finance is a powerful tool designed to automate processes when invoices remain unpaid. This workflow ensures that follow-ups and actions related to outstanding invoices are carried out smoothly and efficiently, helping businesses maintain cash flow and reduce administrative effort.
How it works:
  1. Select Product
    : Start by selecting the product for which you want to trigger automation when an invoice is due. This ensures that only relevant invoices for the selected product are monitored and addressed through automation.
  2. Define Workflow
    : When an invoice is marked as outstanding (not paid within a certain time frame), an automation sequence is activated. Key actions may include:
  • Send Payment Reminder
    : Automatically send an email or SMS reminder to the customer, notifying them of pending invoices and including payment instructions.
  • Generate follow-up tasks
    : Generate tasks for the finance or sales team to follow up with the customer if the payment remains unpaid after the first reminder.
  • Update CRM and Accounting Systems
    : Automatically update customer and invoice records in your CRM and accounting systems to reflect outstanding status and ensure accurate tracking.
  • Proceed to Collections
    : After multiple reminders, trigger an escalation workflow that may include offering payment plans or sending the case to collections.
  • Notify Team
    : Alert relevant team members (eg, finance, customer success) about pending invoices to take further action or assist the customer.
Advantages of Automation Workflow:
  • Timely follow-ups
    : Ensures reminders are sent at the right time, reducing the chances of invoices being forgotten or delayed.
  • Improved Cash Flow
    : Encourages faster payments through automatic reminders and follow-up, helps maintain steady cash flow.
  • Less manual work
    : Reduces the need for manual invoice tracking and follow-ups, freeing up time for more complex tasks.
  • Accurate Record keeping
    : Automatically updates all necessary systems to ensure accurate and consistent records.
  • Escalation Management
    : Provides a structured escalation process to handle overdue invoices professionally and efficiently.
By choosing the right product and automating the outstanding invoice workflow, you can ensure smooth financial operations, reduce payment delays and improve overall customer communication.
installment canceled trigger
in sales finance enables businesses to automate key processes when an installment payment plan for a specific product is cancelled. This feature helps you manage cancellations efficiently by automating communication, record updates and follow-up actions, ensuring a seamless experience for both business and customer.
### How it works:
  1. Select Product
    : First, select the specific product where the installment plan has been cancelled. This ensures that automation is triggered only for relevant products and payment plans.
  2. Define Workflow
    : Once an installment is cancelled, an automated workflow begins. The main actions in this workflow may include:
Send Cancellation Notification
: Automatically send an email to the customer informing them that their installment plan has been cancelled. This may include details such as balance due, cancellation conditions and next steps.
Update Payment Records
: Automatically update customer payment and installment records in your system to reflect cancellations. This ensures that your financial records are always accurate.
Re-engagement campaigns
: Set up automated re-engagement campaigns offering solutions, such as extending payment periods or restructuring installment plans to prevent further cancellations.
### Advantages of Automation Workflow:
  • Efficiency
    : Minimizes the manual work involved in the installment cancellation process, ensuring that all necessary actions are completed automatically.
  • Accurate Records
    : Keeps your financial and CRM systems updated in real time, avoiding errors and maintaining data integrity.
  • Timely Communication
    : Ensures that the customer is informed promptly, preventing confusion and improving the overall experience.
  • Customer Retention
    : Automation allows you to proactively engage with customers who cancel their installments, potentially offering solutions to retain them and avoid complete account closure.
By choosing the right product and automating the installment cancellation process, you can streamline operations, reduce errors, and increase customer satisfaction while staying on top of financial records.
Installment Created Trigger
in Sales Finance enables you to automate key tasks and workflows when a new installment is created for a product. This automation ensures that all related processes are handled efficiently, providing a seamless experience for both your team and your customers.
How It Works:
  1. Select the Product
    : Identify and select the specific product for which the automation should be triggered whenever an installment is created. This ensures the workflow applies only to relevant products and transactions.
  2. Define the Workflow
    : Upon the creation of an installment, the trigger activates a pre-defined automation sequence. Possible actions include:
  • Send Installment Confirmation
    : Automatically send an email or notification to the customer confirming the creation of the installment and detailing payment schedules, amounts, and due dates.
  • Update Financial Records
    : Ensure that your financial records and CRM are updated to reflect the new installment, including amounts, dates, and payment terms.
  • Create Follow-Up Tasks
    : Generate tasks for your team to monitor the installment payments and address any issues or questions from the customer.
  • Invoice Management
    : Trigger the generation and sending of invoices or receipts related to the installment, ensuring that all financial documentation is managed efficiently.
  • Customer Reminders
    : Set up automated reminders for upcoming installment payments to keep customers informed and reduce the risk of missed payments.
Benefits of the Automation Workflow:
  • Efficiency
    : Automates repetitive tasks associated with installment management, reducing manual workload and minimizing errors.
  • Timely Communication
    : Ensures customers receive prompt and accurate information regarding their installment, improving their overall experience.
  • Accurate Records
    : Keeps your financial and CRM systems updated automatically, maintaining data accuracy and integrity.
  • Enhanced Monitoring
    : Facilitates proactive management of installment payments and customer follow-ups, helping to prevent issues and ensure timely collections.
By setting up the appropriate product and automating the installment workflow, you can streamline your processes, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Subscription Canceled Trigger
in Sales Finance is designed to help you automate processes and effectively manage actions when a subscription is cancelled. This automation ensures that all necessary follow-ups and updates are handled easily, minimizing disruption and maintaining good customer relations.
How it works:
  1. Select Product
    : Select the specific product for which the automation should be triggered when the subscription is cancelled. This ensures that workflows are only applied to relevant products and subscriptions.
  2. Define Workflow
    : Once a subscription is cancelled, a trigger activates an automated workflow designed to handle the cancellation. Key actions may include:
  • Send Cancellation Confirmation
    : Automatically send an email to the customer confirming the cancellation and providing any necessary information about next steps or refunds.
  • Update CRM Records
    : Update customer records in your CRM system to reflect the cancellation, ensuring your data is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Notify Team
    : Automatically notify relevant team members (eg, sales, support) about cancellations for further action or follow-up.
Advantages of Automation Workflow:
  • Streamlined processes
    : automates the cancellation process, reducing manual effort and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Prompt Communication
    : Ensures customers receive timely and accurate information regarding their cancellations, improving their experience.
  • Data Accuracy
    : Automatically updates your CRM and financial records, maintaining the integrity of your data.
Customer Retention
: Facilitates re-engagement efforts, provides an opportunity to address customer concerns and potentially win them back.
By choosing the right product and automating the cancellation workflow, you can handle cancellations more efficiently, maintain customer satisfaction, and optimize your efficiency.
Introducing automated
lead assignment
—leads will now be instantly
assigned to staff
based on availability and expertise.
We're excited to announce a new automation feature! From now on, whenever a new lead is added, the system will automatically
assign it to a staff
member based on their availability and expertise. This ensures faster responses and more efficient handling of leads.
Here’s what’s new:
Automation Trigger:
Whenever a new lead is added to the system, it automatically triggers this process.
Smart Assignment:
Leads are intelligently assigned to staff members based on their availability and specific areas of expertise.
Boosted Efficiency:
This automation reduces manual tasks, speeds up response times, and ensures leads are matched with the most suitable team members.
Why It Matters:
This feature will help us streamline the lead management process, ensuring faster and more personalized responses to clients. It's another step toward maximizing productivity and enhancing our customer service experience.
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